
A Very Tall Gentleman

Mr Tay Ping Hui came to Caramel for filming this afternoon. He's very nice and polite. And he's very tall.


安东尼刘 said...

hahahha..... cute photo, i like. :)

he ard 6'3"????

Sin said...

I'm 6'2" so that makes him about 7'. CK is about 4'8".

安东尼刘 said...

CK is 4'8"??! so tall meh????:p

kucira said...

Sin ar, wa sukak lu eh baju...

Sin said...

It's actually top half of a pyjamas. They are little stars, not polka dots. From Base Control in Japan. :)

vonvonx said...

Sin is so cute!!! hahaha